"There is only one possible, productive solution for the relationship of individualized [humans] with the world: [our] active solidarity with all [people] and [our] spontaneous activity, love and work, which unite [us] again with the world,
not by primary ties but as a free and independent individual." [*]
-Eric Fromm
not by primary ties but as a free and independent individual." [*]
-Eric Fromm
In a world where too many young people are stuck behind a screen unmotivated and untold numbers are completely disengaged due to a lack of access to technology, how do we ignite the intrinsic motivation of a generation? In our approach I write about how, "We join those who believe that individuals learn best as they seek solutions to problems that have real and personal meaning and importance to them."[*] We know that extrinsic reward and punishment, evaluation, restricted choice, restricted time, surveillance, and competition kill intrinsic motivation and creativity.[*] One size truly does not fit all. Let's join together in a movement that begins within our own hearts and minds to take back control of our own learning and health. The demands of modern life, the distractions of technology misuse, and the pervasive problems of inequity and injustice contribute to our disconnection from ourselves, each other, and the Earth. Yet, we each have the power to nurture our inner spark into a fire that empowers us to learn, teach, heal, unite, and be the stars we are.
"One hasn't got to have an enormous military machine in order to be un-free when it's simpler to be asleep,
when it's simpler to be apathetic, when it's simpler, in fact, to not want to be free." [*]
-James Baldwin
“Notes for a Hypothetical Novel,” speech, San Francisco College (22 Oct 1960). Later published in Nobody Knows My Name (1961).
when it's simpler to be apathetic, when it's simpler, in fact, to not want to be free." [*]
-James Baldwin
“Notes for a Hypothetical Novel,” speech, San Francisco College (22 Oct 1960). Later published in Nobody Knows My Name (1961).
Once we re-locate our locus of control within ourselves holistically (physically, emotionally, relationally, culturally, creatively, and in terms of our own life vision and potential), that becomes the foundation for nurturing healthy relationships with ourselves, each other and the Earth. We can then begin to work together in concert with Nature's wonders within and all around us. Others can help us by guiding us and providing us with the right tools and environments, but it is Nature within us that heals us. A doctor creates the conditions for our body to heal itself, but a doctor does not heal us. Similarly, a teacher creates the conditions for the student to learn, but a teacher cannot do the learning for the student. By developing internal control of our own learning and health, and giving young people permission, tools and healthy learning environments to do the same, we then create the conditions for unifying experiences to occur; Experiences that activate the innate desire to learn [*] and return the motivation to learn and the power to heal to their rightful place: within.
"[The teacher] who is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom,
but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind." [*]
-Khalil Gibran
but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind." [*]
-Khalil Gibran
My name is Gabriel Pickus.
I am the Founder and Director of InDiGO. Here's a bit about me and how this work aligns with my own path, vision, and mission. Thank you for being you and for finding your way here.
My story of self-discovery began as follows: My mom was dropping me off at daycare when I was almost four years old. I can still feel my yellow fuzzy blanket sitting in my carseat looking out the window beyond the clouds. We were listening to Raffi's, "There's a big beautiful planet in the sky."[*] I wondered aloud to my mom, "Where is the big, beautiful planet in the sky?" She told me years later that she had a simultaneous sinking and floating feeling, like the planet pulled her into an existential moment of motherhood. "We are in the sky!?" I was flabbergasted. My mind was ignited in that moment, and my education began [*]. What a sense of wonder [*] I felt. I have pursued my authentic search for truth ever since. I am grateful to the many wise teachers who have taught me. I am pleased to report that the mystery and magic appears to deepen as science says that yes, it is 100% true. Not only are we in the sky, but we are the sky. We are stars. [*] |
"The correct analogy for the mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting — no more --
and then it motivates one towards originality and instills the desire for truth."
- Plutarch
and then it motivates one towards originality and instills the desire for truth."
- Plutarch
I founded InDiGO because we are at a critical moment when the whole world has realized that everything is connected. A health crisis has impacted economy, education, and each of us in different ways. It is time we stop the false dichotomies and separations between ourselves and the Earth, ourselves and others, Academics and the Arts, nature and nurture. Now is the time to nurture healthy relationships with ourselves, each other, and the Earth. Let's give youth permission to shine the way nature designed: by teaching them how they learn best[*]. Let's work together to return the motivation to learn and the power to heal their rightful place: within.
How can we answer the call of this moment to put the pieces of how we learn and heal back together? It is time to stop teaching to produce factory workers and adults that can follow instructions, but instead cultivate creative innovators who can solve the problems of tomorrow by thinking in terms of the way things actually are: integrative systems that are interdependent. It is time to teach young people, not subjects, disciplines or units.
How can we answer the call of this moment to put the pieces of how we learn and heal back together? It is time to stop teaching to produce factory workers and adults that can follow instructions, but instead cultivate creative innovators who can solve the problems of tomorrow by thinking in terms of the way things actually are: integrative systems that are interdependent. It is time to teach young people, not subjects, disciplines or units.
At a time when our democracy is under threat, where can we turn to for guidance? In addition to cultivating the minds of the future, we can also turn to the lessons of our ancestors. Another well of infinite wisdom we can draw from (if we can learn to love, respect, sense, and listen to it) is the very land we stand on. "The Iroquois Confederacy, founded by the Great Peacemaker in 1142, is the oldest living participatory democracy on earth." [*] You may have heard of the seven generations principle from the Great Law of the Haudenosaunee, the founding document of the Iroquois Confederacy. It is based on an ancient Iroquois philosophy that:
“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.” [*]
-The Great Law of the Haudenosaunee
-The Great Law of the Haudenosaunee
Thinking 140 years into the future is not just about clean air and water, healthy food, and renewable resources. It is also about healthy people and healthy relationships with healthy communities and schools. I believe in Education as Liberation and that the means is as important as the end: freedom. Not just freedom from but freedom to.[*] Freedom to discover, connect, integrate, and express our whole, authentic selves. Yet, these visions of progressive education are only accessible to a privileged few in this country, such as this young "hackschooler." [*]
It is time to light the fire of education by giving youth permission to pursue their innate nature, humanity, health, curiosity, interests, passions and direction in life. To access and develop their identity, relationships, values, gifts, creativity, vision, and leadership. The genius of young people is our greatest untapped natural resource —infinitely renewable if we can evolve as a species beyond our own self-destruction by become stewards of our planet. How many inventors and problem-solvers, doctors, healers, artists, and visionaries have we let fall by the wayside because our systems divide our bodies from our minds, us from each other, math from art, and nurture from nature? Let's make sure no genius goes unrealized.
It is time to light the fire of education by giving youth permission to pursue their innate nature, humanity, health, curiosity, interests, passions and direction in life. To access and develop their identity, relationships, values, gifts, creativity, vision, and leadership. The genius of young people is our greatest untapped natural resource —infinitely renewable if we can evolve as a species beyond our own self-destruction by become stewards of our planet. How many inventors and problem-solvers, doctors, healers, artists, and visionaries have we let fall by the wayside because our systems divide our bodies from our minds, us from each other, math from art, and nurture from nature? Let's make sure no genius goes unrealized.
"Let us not be afraid to imagine these innovative connections in US public schools: progressive, student-centered education that values our learners’ spirits and voices more than merely evaluating their deficits. Our children — all of our children — hold the entire world in their hands. Let us give them the strength and gentleness to hold it well."
-Sayantani DasGupta [*]
-Sayantani DasGupta [*]
About the author:
A visionary non-profit leader, healing-centered educator, intercultural bridge-builder, and InDiGO’s founder and director, Gabriel Pickus, has strived toward social and educational justice with over one hundred organizations and thousands of young people across Baltimore City since 2009. As a trained community organizer and award-winning education reformer, Gabriel has served in cross-sector initiatives to reform criminal justice, police accountability, youth detention, youth employment, holistic education, clean water, healthy parks, and clean air. While directly serving Baltimore City’s youth and teachers in the classroom and OST (Out-of-School-Time), he has advocated for systemic changes to the educational system that increase access to holistic and outdoor education through research, PD (Professional Development), and policy advocacy. Gabriel has spent over a decade cultivating each angle of the holistic puzzle InDiGO synergizes. His broad experience includes leading intercultural youth leadership programs, providing PD for teachers within integrative curriculum design, and researching the neuroscientific impacts of mindfulness programs in schools.
In addition to his work within the spheres of social justice and education, Gabriel is also a Healing Touch™ (A type of Energy Medicine) Certified Practitioner (HTCP), a certified Systema Instructor (a Russian martial art), a Capoeira Angola practitioner and instructor (an African-Brazilian martial art), and a trained percussionist. He has offered programs internationally and spoken at conferences across the USA while maintaining his focus on serving the youth of Baltimore City.
A Chicago native, Gabriel has been immersed in alternative learning models and training as a progressive educator throughout his entire education and career. After attending bi-lingual schools in Pre-K and Kindergarten, he was a dedicated student of The Language and Music School while going to local public schools. He spent 14 summers learning and teaching within the pedagogy of Habonim Dror, an international youth movement that values social justice, collaboration, and positive identity formation. He spent a year in Israel/Palestine through Habonim, designing and facilitating conflict resolution curricula for Muslim-Israeli, Christian-Israeli, and Jewish-Israeli youth. Gabriel earned a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Goucher College with a focus in Liberation Theology before completing a Wisdom Teacher Certification course.
In addition to his work within the spheres of social justice and education, Gabriel is also a Healing Touch™ (A type of Energy Medicine) Certified Practitioner (HTCP), a certified Systema Instructor (a Russian martial art), a Capoeira Angola practitioner and instructor (an African-Brazilian martial art), and a trained percussionist. He has offered programs internationally and spoken at conferences across the USA while maintaining his focus on serving the youth of Baltimore City.
A Chicago native, Gabriel has been immersed in alternative learning models and training as a progressive educator throughout his entire education and career. After attending bi-lingual schools in Pre-K and Kindergarten, he was a dedicated student of The Language and Music School while going to local public schools. He spent 14 summers learning and teaching within the pedagogy of Habonim Dror, an international youth movement that values social justice, collaboration, and positive identity formation. He spent a year in Israel/Palestine through Habonim, designing and facilitating conflict resolution curricula for Muslim-Israeli, Christian-Israeli, and Jewish-Israeli youth. Gabriel earned a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Goucher College with a focus in Liberation Theology before completing a Wisdom Teacher Certification course.
"Regardless of whether we hold religious beliefs or not, and of what they are, there is a growing sense that the motor of the human being is something intangible that cannot be seen with the eye nor can be measured with scientific instruments. Does it emerge from the brain, from interpersonal interaction (as suggested by Siegel’s Interpersonal Neurobiology), is it previous to any other human process, or is it embodied within the brain? At this point, a multidisciplinary approach is necessary in order to get a broader picture." [*]
-Dr. Catherine L'Ecuyer
-Dr. Catherine L'Ecuyer